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Pigmentation in an Indian skin is a common condition. We age more with pigmentation than with lines and wrinkles.

  1. Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are amazing, time tested and result oriented method to rejuvenate and improve our skin. Various types of peels are available depending on the type of pigmentation, cause, depth and intensity of pigmentation. As the name suggests peels remove the top dead layer of the skin which has problem in ordr to grow a fresh and new skin. At Anugraha skin, hair and laser clinic we provide advanced chemical peel treatment which may be medium depth, sequential or in combination, customised as per individual needs.
  2. Nanopore: it works as a combination of mesotherapy and micro needling –giving the benefit of advanced lightening serums and collagen induction to work on the skin both from within and outside.
  3. Energy based devices (EBD): Lasers and energy based devices have a role in resistant pigmentation to work on the deeper part of the pigmentation. At anugraha we have advanced laser both for post acne pigmentation, tanning and melasma. Different Wavelengh of lasers are required for variable types of pigmentation. At Anugraha we have special EBD for post acne pigmentation to give you a clear flawless skin and help your skin to feel rejuvenated and clear of post acne pigmentation.
  4. Dermafrac: One of its kinds of treatment for lightening and pigmentation, using principle of exfoliation, rejuvenation and restoration.


  1. Collagen induction Therapy: derma roller, nanopore, dermafrac and micro needling radiofrequency (MNRF)
  2. Mesotherapy with growth factors
  3. Non-invasive anti aging techniques – Medvisage and HIFU
  4. Platelet rich plasma
  5. PDO and PLLA thread- mono and COG threads
  6. Hyaluronic acid fillers
  7. Botulinum toin (Botox) and mesobotox


  1. Growth factor infusion
  2. Laser hair growth promotion
  3. Platelet rich plasma therapy(PRP)
  4. Mesotherapy and microneedling


  1. Diode Laser
  2. Alexandrite laser
  3. Intense pulsed light (IPL)


  1. Dermaroller
  2. Nanopore
  3. MNRF
  4. CO2 fractional


  1. Acne control peel with comedone extraction
  2. Acne freeze laser
  3. Carbon peel laser
  4. Diamond polishing and MDA
  5. MNRF
  6. Mesobotox


  1. Excimer light
  2. Split thickness skin grafting
  3. Non cultured melanocyte transfer
  4. Punch grafting
  5. Blister grafting
  6. Microneedling with 5FU